Wednesday, May 7, 2014

wednesday cogitations...

Had a much-overdue dental appointment this morning for a check up and clean. Happy to report all is "pristine" apparently!

Celebrated over at lee&me - gotta refresh the coffee stains that my dentist just meticulously cleaned off my teeth 😂

Cannot WAIT until E is old enough for a babychino! Love how my niece's top matches hers today

Poor girl has to be content with a chew toy for now haha

Honestly though, she's very laid back - give her some pots and spoons to play percussion, and she's gold - helping me bake hahaha

How cold is it?! Readers here will know all too well, I've always been a big fan of winter, and look forward to this time of year above all others. Loving breaking out the winter woolies and my favorite repertoire of warming soups. Not so enamoured with the rain - usually I love nothing better than sitting inside in the warmth while it pours down outside - but this year I have a little ankle biter in tow who adores being out and about in the fresh air, watching the trees, eating grass (as you do). Not quite sure how to reconcile a rainy winter with having a very mobile toddler! We are already pondering this dilemma in my mothers group - all our favorite haunts to date have involved the great outdoors! Some serious brainstorming of wet weather venues is required...

So excited to *finally* be back to reading again! Back to my old bookworm self. Now that my brain is a little more rested and I can concentrate, plus I have the time for it! I've been re-reading the Obernewtyn series in anticipation of the release of the final book - and I picked up this little gem at the weekend. Loved the movie so much I have been wanting to read it! Will do a review once I'm done.

Can I confess to you guys that I have already started writing a packing list for Evie for Saturday's wedding, plus some instructions for my poor parents (alright, they requested them, but I'm having to physically restrain myself from going overboard and writing a list of Tolstoy-esque proportions!) I'm not so much worried about how she will cope, she's a cruisy kiddo - I'm more worried about how my parents will cope hahaha I shouldn't say that, we've never had any issues - but she has also never spent a full day/night with anyone other than V and I! Eeek! Best to start them young though - and I'm sure it's going to be the first of many fun sleepovers with her grandparents.

How young was your kid the first time they spent the day or night away from you? How did they cope? Or more to the point, how did YOU cope? 


  1. Once they are more mobile, Green Bean on railway st in Corrimal is pretty good although sometimes busy.

    And when ours were little we made good use of the lounge area of the Novotel bar. Never any patrons at that time of the morning, you can put a blanket and the kids on the floor and order an 'ok' coffee from reception. They're totally happy for you to be there.


  2. Hi Cate - can't comment on kids (yet!) but I am exactly the same with ruining a good dentist teeth clean with a cup of campos coffee ;) good to hear that everything's 'pristine' x

  3. The first night apart was just before he was two years old - I was MORE than ready!! And he was fine (with my husband and his parents).
    First time sleeping over at my parents place (we had a wedding in a different state) he was a bit over two years old and he was fine again. I wrote very precise and detailed instructions - probably more for my benefit!
    I was more than happy leaving him there - good hands and all that.
