Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 things that made me smile this week...

1. Fresh roses in the living room

2. Hot cross buns and chai for breakfast. You will never catch me complaining about the stores putting hot cross buns on their shelves too early - the longer I get to eat them each year, the better!

3. Scented candles. This Glasshouse gardenia candle is gently sweetly-fragranced, and oh-so-delicious

4. Baking! One of the best things about the cooler weather

5. Snuggly kittycats - 'nuff said!



  1. Aww, this is a sweet post.

    On the subject of candles, I'm giving some away ATM so if you fancy another yum smelling little something come visit. :)

    renewvintage is giving away

  2. Love glasshouse!

    I'm currently searching for the perfect chocolate chip hot cross bun recipe, love them warm with loads of butter!!

  3. All the food looks fab! I'm hungry now!

    I've always wanted a Glasshouse candle - the gardenia one sounds divine.

    I love your kitty cats, they are sooooo cute!

  4. Love hot cross buns!

    And your kitties are so adorable.

  5. Beautiful flowers, I love hot cross bun season!! :-)

  6. Lovely post :)
    I had my first hot cross bun a few days ago- just delicious!! And those flowers look beautiful!
    Hannah x

  7. Those roses are gorgeous, you just reminded me that the bird of paradise in my lounge is desperately in need of replacement, maybe roses it is!

    I limit my hot cross bun consumption to the few weeks before easter but I'm in full swing now. I'm going to try out a new bakery today, I'm expecting good things.

  8. mmm I love all those things too, and I definitely won't say no to a hot cross bun. What kind of muffins are they? They look delicious! I've been baking up a storm lately as well, cool weather is perfect for big cups of tea with cakes!

  9. is your cat a british blue shorthair?

    they have the most beautiful coats.

  10. Love, love, love fresh flowers in the house.

    I just filled mine with Easter Daisies yaayayayaaa so pretty!!

  11. Snugglecats!! I love that with the cooler weather they love to sleep on you and snuggle on you. Bliss!

    We took ours out for a walk today and they LOVED it!! So looking forward to our next adventure!

    K xx

  12. 1. me too, I love fresh flowers. I got some for $2 about to get thrown out - just got rid of the nasties in the bunch & now they're bright as can be!
    2. I had my 1st hot cross bun for the year on Saturday. I haven't been craving them for some reason this year...this one was amazing though so I'm back loving them again :)
    3. I need to get some scented candles for our new place!
    4. naturally I agree :) your muffins look delicious!
    5. oh so snuggly
    Heidi xo

  13. Love your blog, and your cat! Ive nominated your for a Liebster award which is for up and coming blogs :)

    Details here -
