Monday, March 1, 2010

raindrops on roses...

Hooray for this gorgeously cold, rainy day!
Ok I know I am more than a little strange, but I absolutely adore the cooler weather - I love that the first day of March 2010 was also the first day of autumn, weather-wise.

I lovelovelove thick, opaque tights, and today I could wear them in absolute comfort.

My new Review dress - its cream and silk and has ruffles down the front. I am in love!

Is it wrong to go out and buy yet another pretty umbrella in anticipation of the impending rainy weather? Hope not, 'cause I did last week!

Sadly my heels are all but invisible in the long grass...

You can't see it in any of these photos, but I was channelling the ever-impeccable FauxFuchsia and rocking a side-bun today.


 Review 'Lacey Lou' dress
 Tony Bianco 'Foxie' heels
 Butterfly Foundation bracelet
 Tiffany&Co rings
 Oroton umbrella


  1. It is pouring here too. Love your pretty dress.

  2. I love it! The black opaques look great with the white dress.
    You are so very beautiful.

  3. Oh I'm so with you on the love of cooler weather! I was unreasonably excited yesterday when it was actually cold in Sydney.

    Love your umbrella too by the way, I have the same one!

    Good to see you back, I've missed your posts!

    xx aelie

  4. I lvoe the cold weather too- always good to hear when other people are the same! Great outfit and blog!

    Sophie x

  5. I saw this dress at Review too! Not sure if it was the same dress or just a similar one! They have it in black as well...and I remember thinking how pretty it was!

    I love thick opaques as well but most of the times, I can't find opaques thick enough so I wear 2 layers...haha!

    I hope you are loving your new job and everything is great!

  6. Oooh pretty, pretty dress and I love how you've paired it with black heels and opaques - very classy x Sushi

    P.S. Not sure if you got my vogue PM - can you please let me know if you still want to purchase my Sretsis Lala skirt?

  7. Love love the dress! will be looking for one myself :)

  8. Ohhhh, is that dress in stock now?! I'm crushing on it big time, you look gorgeous.

    I bought another brolly last week too, hee hee! I got funny looks as I walked through the city centre with it - think full on sunny day, ha!

    <3 xxx

  9. Thanks lovely ladies!

    Aelie, I only bought this umbrella last week and then yesterday I dropped it and it landed on the floor and got a mark on the handle. I am ashamed to admit I cried. V thinks he can laquer it at work and make it good as new.

    PB, the Review dress is indeed still in stock! Oh and I often use ann umbrella on a really sunny day to shade myself, I definitely get funny looks for that one :D

    Bowsnhearts, they do have the same dress in Review in black, it was a hard decision between them but I am glad I went with the cream.

    Sushi, I have messaged you through Vogue hun, I am so sorry for the delay!

  10. Hi KittyCate, you look so fab in that dress, so girly and lovely! You should check out the Tony Bianco Facebook page seeing as you have so many of their shoes!
