Ahahahaha, seriously though how good is this season of GoT? (And also the lovely cool weather). We have been revelling in ugg boots and soup and snuggly days spent rugged up indoors.
Have been living in this Witchery coatigan lately, so warm and cosy!
Library day is always such a hit with this one - she was actually bouncing with excitement in this photo, bless, truly my daughter. Such a fantastic rainy day activity.
Ballet class this Friday morning, and discussing the possibility of starting pointe prep work, ridiculously excited! Post-class sustenance with my lovely girlfriend J.
Currently obsessed with Dr Bronner's jasmine and sandalwood soap, absolutely delicious, we all use it!
We have made the most of this sunshiney morning by heading out to the park, not to mention getting as much laundry done as possible (pardon me for the lack of ugly balcony photos haha). A lamb shoulder in the slow cooker and a hot cup of coffee while the kiddo sleeps, and I'm in heaven.
We have to head out to visit the inlaws this afternoon (blergh) - not to seeing them, which is nice, but it's a 45min return trip for us, which is not. I seem to recall always travelling out to everyone else when they had their kids, apparently they all have spectacularly short memories as it's not being reciprocated now that we have joined the parenting club LOL oh well.
Here's wishing you all a wonderful weekend
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