Friday, January 29, 2016

rainshowers and champers...

Hello! Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post

It does feel nice to be sitting down and blogging again! I am setting myself a resolution to do it regularly (also - get to ballet class again!) 

I went into work for a half day today - how wonderful to actually look forward to this as something enjoyable! Did I mention I love my new job? I wouldn't normally be so diligent but after loosing a whole day on Tuesday, and have a talk to give to a roomful of new cadets next week, had me eager to be on top of it all.

The epic storm that was predicted wasn't quite as epic as I had hoped. We have an amazing aspect for storm-watching here - at least we got to see some fairly spectacular lightning at one point!

The weather called for some cubby house building in the afternoon...

And chicken soup for one rather under-the-weather little button.

Our new armchair finally arrived today, hallelujah! It fits perfectly, just as I imagined. Naturally, I'm already dreaming of my next interior essential haha

Happy Friday lovelies


  1. Happy Friday! Lovely to see you back blogging! I love the new armchair - it is lovely.

  2. Yay so happy to see you back blogging! I love your interior styling, that armchair is gorgeous!

  3. The armchair is a triumph! Hooray!
